Redesigning Syrona Health's Website & Branding from B2C to B2B solution

Syrona Health is on a mission to democratise healthcare the workplace. The company bring evidence based research to the hands of people through various life stages through tracking, telemedicine, diagnostics and self-management tools in underserved areas such as Endometriosis, Menopause, Fertility, PCOS, Men's health etc.


Project Details

Industry: Digital healthcare, B2B web design

Project duration: 3 months

Deliverable: Redesign current B2C website to make it B2B focused

Design Team: Iliyana Pirinska, Sascha Bou Jaber

My responsibilities

  • UX/UI Design Research

  • Visual Identity

  • UX/UI Design

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About the project

Redesigning a digital healthcare startup website from B2C to B2B requires a well-planned and thorough approach to ensure that the new design meets the needs of the target audience and the business objective. As a UX/UI designer for Syrona Health, my key responsibilities included UX/UI research, current digital healthcare website trends analysis, wireframing, prototyping, design system creation, and more.


The website before the redesign

To begin the redesign process, we conducted extensive research on B2B healthcare websites and identified key features that were important for our target audience, including healthcare providers, employers, and insurance companies. We also analyzed Syrona Health's existing website to identify areas of improvement and developed user personas to guide our design decisions.

Based on our research, we created wireframes and prototypes to test and iterate the design. The new website design focused on highlighting Syrona Health's B2B solutions, including their mobile health app SORA, which provides personalized healthcare for underserved areas such as Endometriosis, Menopause, Fertility, PCOS, and more.

To create a consistent user experience, we developed a design system that included a new color palette, typography, and icons. We also ensured that the new design was accessible and mobile-responsive.
The end result is a new website that focuses on Syrona Health's B2B solutions while still providing access to their B2C offerings. The new design highlights the benefits of partnering with Syrona Health, including access to evidence-based research, personalized healthcare solutions, and more. Overall, the redesigned website will help to position Syrona Health as a leader in B2B healthcare solutions and will provide a seamless user experience for their target audience.

*Please note that due to the confidential nature of the project and the protection of intellectual property, I am unable to provide further details.

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